Friday, April 8, 2011


Yesterday I said I LOVED Bones. Today I say that I HATE thieves. I (we) work hard for my money and it pisses me off that someone else thinks nothing of stealing what I have. I am not usually a violent person but if faced with the person who violated me in that way.....well, I wouldn't trust myself. Losing a finger for the transgression is not such a bad idea.
I would gladly share, if asked. Don't steal. It isn't nice.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


I have to say that I absolutely LOVE Bones!!!.
I could so be a squint.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Not enough time

Well, there are so many wonderful things to do and so many necessary things to do (duh!).
I know this is not new but has been a recent, constant source of frustration.